
OHC Current Campaign/s

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We are always looking for new members to get involved and join movement to protect and expand the public healthcare system in Ontario. For more information on how to become a member, please visit the contact us page.

Who We Are, and What We Do

We are a non-partisan, community-based coalition of individuals and groups. As a local chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), we advocate for improvements to our universal public health care system.

We Advocate For:

  • Funding our hospitals at a level that will restore capacity and reopen outpatient services to meet the needs of the community
  • Building capacity and improving levels of care in public long-term care facilities
  • Home care to be a public, non-profit service that is adequately funded
  • Supporting and expanding Community Health Centres
  • Publicly financed and operated community hospitals, including the new Civic Campus in Ottawa. No extra billing in private clinics
  • Rebuilding accountable democratic governance of our hospitals and long-term care facilities

Recent Posts

Ottawa Health Coalition calls for an end to Austerity Budgets: Adequate Health Care Funding–No P3 Civic Campus Development

E.R. Doctors refer to a “beleaguered ” hospital system. Toronto Star Editorial calls for tax reform: “The result of all of this is that governments have less revenue to do what’s needed, our tax system is less progressive and corporations pay a reduced share for our public goods and services even as their profits continue to break records.”

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