Make Revera Public – Have your say

The pandemic has exposed grave problems with how we take care of our seniors. In particular, the dangers of the extensive presence in most provinces of private, for-profit owners operating long-term care homes.

The many tragedies resulting directly from private, for-profit homes — have led to calls on the federal and provincial governments to make long term care public.

The federal government, through the crown corporation Public Sector Pension Investment Board, is the sole owner of Revera Inc. – and therefore the owner of Canada’s second-largest chain of for-profit long-term care facilities. Join us in calling on the government to make Revera Inc. public. This will be the first step in bringing all privately-owned, for-profit long-term care facilities where they belong – into public ownership and operation.

A Virtual Townhall Meeting was held jointly with the Public Service Alliance of Canada on September 16th, 2020 at 7PM EST.

See the Ottawa Health Coalition’s public statement on Revera Inc. below. 

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